Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Hold up with purpose....

 my Best Friend told me a story about a man who was in an accident and was in a body cast for 6 months.. while in the body cast his job was raided and everyone was killed. He  was saved and now lives a better life.... ( i left out some details cause i dont remember them all)

So in my life i feel that there is like this block for my Acting career. I go and have really good auditions and no call. And i have really super talented friends and they are doing awesome things. i am honestly happy for them but i am waiting for my turn. But as my friend states in her story sometimes their is a reason for the hold up..... Maybe I am not where i want to be because i am being saved from something or for something. We feel like life is dealing us a bad hand and that we will never get what we want because of whats holding us back, but what if the hold up is just a way of God saying not yet... or this is to dangerous right now. So i think the next time life interferes with your plans or wants. Think of it as a necessary hold up with an awesome ending. Remember everything has a purpose and it always works out for our Good!!
 So here is to finding the Joy in all of lifes little hick-ups!!!

Love ya and know your continually blessed

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